A Semiotic Approach to Chinese-English Love Poetry: Focusing on the Space of the Addressee
Author : Tim-hung Ku
Keywords : semiotic approach, reader addressee, love poetry, addressee space, addresser, courtesan love poetry, reflexive addressee, courtly love poetry, addressee proper, Todorov’s triadic model
The addresser in the poetic text speaks, simultaneously, to himself or herself, to the persuaded object, and to the reader, and three modes of the addressee are thus produced, namely, the reflexive addressee, the addressee proper, and the reader addressee. Then basing on Peirce’s mediative, semiotic model, the addressee is taken as a space of mediation via which the speaking subject discourses on something, and the mediative space of the addressee eventually affects the speaking subject and the discoursed object by its particularities. The addressee space thus defined proves to be essential to the understanding of love poetry as a genre. The focus of the present investigation has been the addressee space and the traditions of love poetry in terms of the addressee space. I have established what we may call “courtesan iove” and “courtesan love poetry” from the Tzu-yeh Songs of Yueh-fu as a counterpart and opposition to the “courtly love” and “courtly love poetry” of the West. The aim of my paper has been a general poetics of love poetry, Chinese and English, and this general poetics is based on Todorov’s triadic model of genre; therefore, my effort has been to synthesize rather than differentiate. Nonetheless, I believe that all the traditions and variations involved in love poetry have become more perceptible when they are set side by side in my study.