The Site of Contestation: A Study of Women, Place, and Identity in Chinese and Western Literature
Author : Terry Siu-han Yip
Keywords : autonomy, domesticity, deprivation, gender, home, hysteria, identity, insanity, patriarchy, repression, suppression, victimization, violence
Many Chinese and Western writers often use different
geographic locales or place women under various
institutions/situations to explore notions of place, gender and
identity. Women’s perpetual struggle for voice and space and their
conscious or unconscious quest for selfhood and integrity are
central concerns of many Chinese and Western literary works
published since the late nineteenth century. A close look at such
texts as Ibsen's A Doll’s House, Lawrence’s “You Touched Me,”
Glaspell's “A Jury of Her Peers,” Cao Yu's Thunderstorm and Li
Ang's The Butcher’s Wife shows not only the agonies and sufferings
of women in general, but also elucidates how home can easily
become a place of threat or fear, a place that subverts individual
growth. In the course of their discussions, writers reveal those social,
moral, or cultural implications or assumptions at work and try to
map out a route of growth or change for their female protagonists.