Ecological Discourse and the Fantastic: Mordor, Lóthlorien, and the Shire in The Lord of the Rings
Author : Stella Guo
Keywords : place, locale, globe, disembedding, deterritorialization, fantasy, utopia, dystopia
In response to such pressing ecological problems as
disembedding and detertitorialization that often come with
globalization, current environmental solutions tend to focus on the
urgent and practical need to re-establish a sense of place within
human communities. Some debates have followed, examining
whether this sense of locale should be defined against or at the
expense of a sense of the globe. This eco-theoretical question
resonates with themes in fantasy and sci-fi literature, which critics
have deemed as particularly suitable for narratives that deal with
abstract ideas of cosmic significance. Among the most potent ideas
explored by fantasy and sci-fi writings are those about utopia and
dystopia. In The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien offers visions of both:
while Mordor intends to bind all into one, Lóthlorien, the elusive
elven country that awes and terrifies all, functions as a version of the
fantastic story that allows diversity within oneness. Aragorn, the
future King of Middle-earth, and Sam, the newly appointed Mayor
of Bywater in the Shire, learn tremendously from their journeys into
and back from the utopian Lóthlorien and the dystopian Mordor. In
expounding the text from an ecological point of view, this paper
speculates on the stance Tolkien’s text may take on the specific
environmental debate over the intertwined or antagonistic relation
between the sense of the local and that of the global. It seems that,
on this issue, Tolkien's ideas are often at odds with some
environmentalists’ calls that emphasize local resistance over global